Sunday, July 13, 2014

Part 8- August

"So my one and only sleepover, up until now, was pretty much of a disaster, which is why I'm a little nervous about the nature retreat. On the other hand, I'm really excited."- Wonder pg. 251

This quote from August is why I love him so much. Even though everything went wrong during his last sleepover he's still excited for the nature retreat.  He's just such a hopeful and bright kid. I would've been totally freaked out going away for that long for the first time if I was him! How does such a little kid get to be so brave? I guess circumstance let him grow into this strong kid that he's proved himself to be.

The trip goes really well until they run into some "thugs" as Auggie's mom will later call them.  I hate that even as we are coming to a close in the book... KIDS ARE STILL BEING MEAN TO AUGUST.  I guess it will never really end.  But there's hope.  In Auggie's moment of despair, three unlikely heroes come to his rescue.

Miles, Amos, and Henry!

I guess the sides have switched in the war.  It seems that the war doesn't really matter anymore now. Eddie the big thug starts picking on them, and they all ban together to escape their new common enemy.  It was a moment of mixed emotions.  I feel horrible for August because he's still putting up with these horrible people, and he's lost his hearing aids too now.  But at the same time I'm jumping up and down with joy because Miles, Amos, and Henry have stuck up for Auggie!


These guys were the thugs at the beginning of the story and they've come full circle. So why couldn't a kid like Eddie come full circle in the future too? I don't know, maybe I'm like Mr. Tushman and believe everyone has good in them. Sometimes it's just a little deeper than others.

And then Auggie gets a new puppy! WHO DOESN'T LOVE PUPPIES? Things are starting to brighten up and Auggie realizes just how awesome growing up has become.  He originally thought school would suck, and for a little bit it did, but he NEVER gave up. And because of that he was rewarded so richly. No. He didn't win the lottery, but he did win Henry Ward Beecher medal.

And he got that standing ovation.

Mr. Tushman's speech was probably one of my favorite parts. It has such a great message. CHOOSE KIND. Wow. Think about that. What if we all choose kind? How much of a better place could this world be?

The ending to this book as told by August, is so tear jerking. I feel like I went along on this journey with Auggie and grew up with him along the way. I'm 21 years old, but I learned so much from this extraordinary 10 year old. He told me when we started this journey that he was ordinary, but he's not. He truly is a "Wonder" just like his mom says.

"She bent down and whispered in my ear. 'You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder.'"- Wonder pg. 310

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